Like Local Plans, but live and in real time. Feature: A button that allows you to quickly share with friends: That you’re free to meet now Your GPS location (optional) Location description (optional) - e.g. “Cafe in maths department” Benefits: I don’t have to explicitly state when and where I’m going - I’m here now, come join if you can! Plans are labelled by city. But I might want to see who’s nearby on campus and wants a study partner, or who’s in my specific area for a quick lunch break. Notes I should be able to see a list of everyone who has “free now” status sorted by proximity (e.g. Tom, studying in maths dpt, 500m away) I should be able to curate who sees my status: all friends, just my study group, etc It should be at least twice as quick to set free now status as to make a plan Live status adds a live notification to avoid accident tally leaving it on I should be able to set my status and leave it in the background - if someone else comes online as free nearby I should get a notification. If someone joins me we should be able to merge our live statuses into a group activity (e.g. Tom, Sam, Ben, studying algebra in maths dpt, 500m away)